Thursday, January 8, 2009

Logo Design Trends 2009

Logo Orange & Logo Lounge, as always, post about the latest logo design trends each year and they have just released the 2009 predictions. I would love to hear your thoughts on the predicted trends.

Psychedelic Pop Backgrounds




Classic Modernism


80’s Geometry

Typographic Logos

Street Art

Puzzle Patterns



Unknown said...

Nice share indeed. helps a lot of people about the trend

rotoscoping said...

very nice work..thanks for sharing
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Color Experts said...

Great job. Thanks for sharing this logo.

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Background Removing said...

You did those logos????

Unique design and good thinking.

Good Job. Cheers!
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Jogesh debnath said...
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Jogesh debnath said...
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Jogesh debnath said...
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Unknown said...

Nice post.Thanks for share.
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This is just a sharing online information about graphics design stuff. This blog is a collaborative effort of individuals who are currently registered members of other online community sites. This blog does not claim any form of ownership or copyright in the materials found in this blog. Most of the contents featured in this blog come from other sites. The said materials are owned by those sites where these resources are posted.